Delivering an impassioned speech from the steps of the U.S. Capitol today, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) sharply criticized what he called the “staggering” levels of inequality evident in Trump’s death camps.
The centerpiece of the president’s campaign to wipe out dissent and systematically eliminate political opposition, the extermination centers have increasingly come under fire from the 2016 Democratic runner-up for the widening disparity between the capital punishments experienced by the rich and poor.
“Average Americans are being starved, worked, and tortured to death, while the wealthy are allowed to choose from a variety of lethal ends, including death by hanging, poisonous gas, or firing squad,” said Sanders. “In the United States of America, a quick and painless execution for crimes against the state should be a right, not a privilege enjoyed by the few. We need a system of mass extermination that works for all of us – not just the one percent.”
Sanders noted that America’s working class political prisoners are engaged in forced labor around the clock in the Trump camps, while the privileged elite are enjoying one, sometimes two hours off a week. He argued that it’s long past time that millionaires and billionaires started doing their fair share of corpse removal and incineration.
“In the wealthiest nation on earth, it is unconscionable and unacceptable that there are children in our death camps who don’t know where their next 20-kernel ration of corn is coming from,” said Sanders, adding that every child, no matter what cell block they were assigned to, should have equal access to re-education.
He also insisted camp detainees be allowed to earn a minimum straw ration.
Speaking for nearly 15 minutes before a crowd of surviving journalists, the longtime environmentalist took frequent aim at the camps’ overreliance on carbon-based fossil fuels that contribute to climate change. “At a time when China’s death camps are increasingly powered by wind and solar electricity, we need to invest in a clean, efficient means of fueling our gas chambers.” He demanded the camps transition to the use of more sustainable piles of human flesh.
The Vermont senator also took issue with the fact that, while the top one percent of Americans are frequently allowed to dig and even mark their own graves before execution, the bodies of the middle class are often thrown into mass graves to rot for eternity, or simply fed to the rabid dogs that roam freely through the camps.